Terms of use

  Terms and conditions

When using our service, you must agree to our terms of service.
You must agree to all of our terms and conditions. We allow you to browse the Internet, download, upload with our service. But you are FORBIDDEN:
Send, transmit or receive any illegal content on the Service that violates any national law, applicable local and international!
DDOS or any hacking activity
Torrent (Torrent is totally prohibited!)
Spam (We do not allow spamming!)
Posting or transmitting through our Service any unlawful, threatening, harmful, harassing, abusive, racially hateful, ethnically or otherwise hateful of any kind.
Share or report your account to others.
You can only use our access according to the amount you contracted, ex: one login is equivalent to one connection at a time, two logins to two connections at a time, and so on.
Uploading, downloading, reproducing, publishing or distributing any copyrighted content copyright or any other proprietary right, without first obtaining permission from the proprietary content owner.
You agree that you access the Site and use the Service at your own discretion and risk. All contents of this website are using our Private Server, so we do not allow our content to be disseminated without the our permission to prevent abuse of the data we provide.
If we find any of our content on a site that we do not have permission for, then we will let your site as content theft to Google and the DMCA and we may take legal action. So use our service wisely and respect our terms of service.